라구나 비치가 길거리에 있는 Schaar 갤러리에 다녀왔다. 소규모의 아트상들이 줄지어 늘어져 있는 곳이다. 일요일에 간 터라 전부 열지는 않았고, 사진을 찍지 못하게 하는 곳이 더 많았던 이유로 올릴만한 작품들은 두 갤러리 작품들로 압축된다.
Robert Schaar
A native Californian,Robert Schaar is a nationally recognized-painter whose representationalstyle is described as “deceptively loose and spontaneous.” He is wellknown for his portrayal of a variety of subjects, including Americanand European scenes, and for his colorful depiction of thoroughbredracing and golfing. His work is on permanent exhibit in the KentuckyDerby Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Pentagon, NASA Space Museum atCape Canaveral, U.S. Air Force Academy, and the Saudi Arabia Royal AirForce headquarters in Riyadh. A winner of many gold medals in juriedart shows, Schaar's colorful, brushy style is in great demand-capturingthe excitement and essence of his subject matter.
Quality Representational Art
Forover 20 years, Schaar Gallery has been presenting the finestrepresentational art in Southern California. Original oils, acrylics,watercolors, sculpture, and limited-edition giclees and prints by someof today's finest California artists, and their internationalcounterparts, are elegantly displayed within a former Laguna Beachresidence.
사실 뭐 이렇게 봐서 미술책에 나오는 사람들의 작품과 뭐가 다른지 모른다. 단지 감탄하며 구경하는 정도.